
Bangkok is probably the most exotic place I’ve visited since starting this travel journal. However, that statement is subject to a couple of caveats.

  1. “Exotic” conjures different sorts of images for different people. I don’t know if mine matches yours and I won’t spend any time trying to define here what “exotic” means to me.
  2. I wrote this category description before I visited Bangkok so I’d have a placeholder city in this journal’s location hierarchy to hang my first Bangkok post on. Thus, as I write this, I don’t know if it’s true that I found (am finding) it exotic. I’m going on only what I read and the images that form in my head about Bangkok from various sources. Being one of the world’s most lazy people, I almost certainly will not update this after I visit and determine if I do indeed find it exotic.

In any case, any journal entries I write about Bangkok will be linked below. This is a subcategory of “Thailand,” which in turn is a subcategory of “Asia.”

Bangkok Walking Food Tour

This morning, I told you that I intentionally skipped lunch for a reason that would become apparent when I posted this entry. If you bothered...

Jim Thompson House

After my market morning, my first visit this afternoon was to the Jim Thompson House. But wait, you say. Jim Thompson doesn’t sound Thai. What...

Being in Bangkok

“Being in Bangkok.” See what I did there? Another alliterative title, just like I did with “Single in Singapore,” which was the title I gave...