
What can I say about Dubrovnik? At the moment, not a lot. I wrote this category description before I went there. My travel journal automatically produces category pages whenever I assign a journal entry to a category that category will then appear in the “Locations” menu.

I’m told that search engines like to see text on pages they index. I’m a nice guy, I want to make search engines happy. I don’t like to be the cause of anyone’s or anything’s unhappiness. Therefore, I want this description to be there as soon as the category appears on my journal.

So, at this point, I don’t know if I’ll love Dubrovnik, hate it, or feel somewhere between those extremes about it. From what I’ve read, I think I’ll feel at least somewhat closer to love than hate for the city. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have booked and paid for the trip.

Because this journal doesn’t display a category in its menu until it contains at least one post, if you’re reading this that means I published at least one entry on Dubrovnik. If you read that/those entry/entries, you can discover a little about how I feel about the city. Now, go.

This is a subcategory of “Croatia” and a sub-subcategory of “Europe.”

Red History Museum and Gruž

I took a ferry today to Hvar. But that wasn’t until mid-afternoon, leaving me time to visit the Red History Museum and wander around Dubrovnik...

A Park, a Park, and a Gallery

I found the excessive, or should I say oppressive crowds in Dubrovnik old town this morning more than a little stress-inducing. This afternoon, I escaped...

Mount Srd

I wanted to go to the top of Mount Srd because I felt sorry for it. I mean, really. A mountain, and not a particularly...

Dubrovnik, Day One Half

I headed out on the road again. Well, not literally on the road. It’s a long, wet drive from Toronto to Dubrovnik. Besides, I don’t...