Tag: Aquarium

This is a tag to collect all posts that include a visit to an aquarium (probably along with other activities that day).

I quite enjoy aquariums. Fish are fun. And not just because “fish are fun” is alliterative. Other sea creatures are fun too, but “sea creatures are fun” isn’t alliterative. So the heck with it.

Because I like looking at fish and sea creatures, if I visit a city that has one, and it has a good reputation, I’ll probably visit it. It sure beats swimming with them because, well, sharks and such.

If the aquarium doesn’t have one or more jellyfish tanks, don’t expect to see a rave review of the aquarium here. To my mind, jellyfishes are a particularly beautiful  species.

Bergen Aquarium and Cathedral

On this Norway trip, I’ve done two activities that my most-loyal reader enjoys, taking short boat trips (Oslo Fjord, Lysefjord, and more to come) and...