Tag: Port

Quaint, old ports can be charming places to visit, whether or not they’re still used as ports. As a general rule, they are beside oceans, large lakes, or navigable rivers. I mean, duh. It’s a port. Did you think it’d be in a landlocked desert?

I’ve been to a few ports in my travels. If I enjoy them, I try to remember to write about them in this travel journal and flag the post with the “port” tag. If they annoyed me for some reason I might also try to remember to write about them and tag it.

“Try” may be doing a lot of work in the preceding paragraph. I’m not sure. If I left off the tag it was unintentional, so I wouldn’t know I did it. Otherwise, I would have done it. Duh.

Port Arthur

I took a day trip out of Hobart to Port Arthur today. If you aren’t familiar with Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia, you’re probably thinking, “Port...

Putting the “in” in Dublin

Yesterday, I could honestly say that I’d never been in Ireland. It therefore follows incontrovertibly that yesterday I could also honestly say that I’d never...