Victoria: Butchart Gardens, Chinatown, Carr House
Today in Victoria was grey almost all day and, for summer, coolish†. Rain, as such, didn’t fall. But a heavy mist blanketed me for a...
Victoria: Wandering and Whale Watching (not simultaneously)
Yesterday, I wrote that I had something special planned for today. You’ve probably now guessed what it was from the title of this entry. I...
Victoria: Mostly Aimless Wandering
I left Vancouver to come to Victoria a little past noon today. Before leaving Vancouver, I walked along the waterfront near my hotel. My route...
Vancouver: Stanley Park, Gastown, Heat, Smoke
The powers that be issued two advisories for today in Vancouver: An air quality advisory and a heat warning. The air quality advisory was due...
Vancouver: Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, Waterfront, VanDusen Botanical Park
The heat arrived. To escape it, I went to a park in a rainforest, namely Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, hoping for, and getting, considerable shade...
Vancouver: Stanley Park Seawall, Sophie’s, Granville Island, False Creek
A municipal bylaw in Vancouver clearly states that all tourists must walk along the Stanley Park seawall, which goes around the outer edge of most...
Vancouver: Sunset Beach
I’m on my first out-of-province trip since COVID-19 shut things down. I arrived this evening in Vancouver, British Columbia. British Columbia, where the seven-day average...