Tag: Travel

I put the “travel” tag on every post in this journal. I know that seems kind of superfluous. But that’s only because it is.

To be perfectly honest, I do it in the hope that people searching for travel articles on the web will find this journal, read a post, fall in love with it, tell all their friends, and link to one or more pages here from their phenomenally high-traffic website.

I further hope that will lead other people to find it and do the same things.

Then, thousands of people will flock to this site every day. When that happens, I’ll slap advertising on it, maybe create some merch to sell too, and I’ll get rich. That will let me afford to travel more and in more luxury.

I know; I know. You might say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. Nay, there are lots of people out there just as crazy as I am. Some are even crazier, hard though that may be to believe. Allow me my fantasies. Better yet, please make them true.

Wait. Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah. Every post here should have the “travel” tag. If you find one that doesn’t, please let me know. It’s a mistake.

Daan Park; Shandao Temple

And so it ends. Mid-afternoon today, I’ll head to the airport to get my flight back to Toronto, my hometown. I took it easy this...

Exploring Anping District

My guidebook recommends a few sights in the Anping District of Tainan, Taiwan. I am in Tainan for a few days, so I headed there...

Timeless Tainan

Okay, about the title of this post, maybe Tainan isn’t timeless. Time still has meaning there as far as I can tell. But timeless Tainan...

Zhinan and Quandu Temples

This afternoon was a long one, but I didn’t see much because I spent most of the time travelling between two temples, Zhinan Temple and...

Making for Maokong

This morning, I set out for a district in the southern region of Taipei, Maokong. At one time, Maokong consisted primarily of tea plantations. It...